Monday 23 May 2011

What should I blog about today?

Well, for a Sunday it has been particularly boring, but at the same it can be a good thing. Apart from doing literally nothing all day, I managed to get a few things done like cleaning the house and having a long bubble bath, which only happens on rare occasions. I usually like to do something recreational on a Sunday, but because I've been so busy with college and work I just want to have a day to myself from time to time. Not that I have a particularly hectic lifestyle (as of yet, anyway).

I've been thinking a lot about the fact that I am going off to University in September. I almost feel a sense of regret that I didn't choose The University of Westminster as my first choice, instead of The University of Huddersfield, which I am now practically bound to. Gees, I make it sound like I didn't even have a choice. Truth is, I still think Westminster has the best course, but I'm stupidly not brave enough to pack my bags and move to London, having lived in the same town for the whole of my life so far, it costs a fortune to live down there and the fact I will be hundreds of miles away from my family and my boyfriend. It was actually my mum, dad and my boyfriend that convinced me to think it was a bad idea. I just feel like I have missed out on a great opportunity to break free and become my own individual self, tackling great big cities that I am not particularly familiar with, instead of starting at the bottom I could have thrown myself into the deep end. I felt like an Independent person every time I went down there and I loved being there too, despite hating how sweaty and dirty I felt as I took the tube, or how the air felt so thick of pollution compared to my lovely country/coastal air I have up here.

Oh well. Let's just hope I have chosen the right path. I mean, it's all about Fate, right? Who knows where I might end up?


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